Antiquitas Hungarica
Results:   Total 75
Order by: References | ID-Number | Title

1. AH-7
Black-figure amphora
2. AH-2
Candelabro con statuetta di coronamento (danzatore nudo)
3. AH-1
The Grimani Jug
4. AH-200
Plaster cast: Acanthus column with the figures of three dancing girls
5. AH-192
Plaster cast: Acroterion forming the figure of Nike. From the west pediment of the Asclepios temple of Epidauros
6. AH-199
Plaster cast: Alcestis with Thanatos and Hermes. Sculptured marble column drum from the temple of Artemis at Ephesos
7. AH-177
Plaster cast: Amazon lying dead. Votive gift of Attalos, erected on the Acropolis in Athens
8. AH-99
Plaster cast: Aphrodite, the so-called Venus Genetrix
9. AH-184
Plaster cast: Athena. From the west pediment of the Parthenon. Michaelis L.
10. AH-197
Plaster cast: Athlete solving his sandal
11. AH-205
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The grave stone of Archestrate
12. AH-208
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The grave stone of Demokleides
13. AH-202
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The stele of Agathocles
14. AH-211
Plaster cast: Attic grave stone (Polyxena)
15. AH-293
Plaster cast: Attic grave stone. Stele of Lysistrate and Phaidonides