Antiquitas Hungarica
Results:   Total 75
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31. AH-194
Plaster cast: The torso of Asclepios
32. AH-195
Plaster cast: The statue of Heracles
33. AH-196
Plaster cast: The statue of a sitting poet. Alcaeus?
34. AH-197
Plaster cast: Athlete solving his sandal
35. AH-198
Plaster cast: The so-called Hera Ludovisi
36. AH-199
Plaster cast: Alcestis with Thanatos and Hermes. Sculptured marble column drum from the temple of Artemis at Ephesos
37. AH-200
Plaster cast: Acanthus column with the figures of three dancing girls
38. AH-201
Plaster cast: The head of Hermes with petasos
39. AH-202
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The stele of Agathocles
40. AH-204
Plaster cast: Votive stele with relief on both sides. B. Hermes with the river god Acheloos and three nymphs
41. AH-205
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The grave stone of Archestrate
42. AH-208
Plaster cast: Attic grave relief. The grave stone of Demokleides
43. AH-209
Plaster cast: Attic grave stone. The stele of Damasistrate and Polykleides
44. AH-211
Plaster cast: Attic grave stone (Polyxena)
45. AH-213
Plaster cast: Niobid. The oldest daughter of Niobe